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Creative Confidence Programs

An exploration of your inner creative world that will guide you towards a new more confident self.







Jasmine Navarro
Certified Coach
DELTA® Certified Teacher


The Creative Confidence Course For Educators

Creative Confidence is an easy-to-use program for educational instructors and life coaches to use with their clients. It has clear explanations and guidelines to follow throughout. The simple structure of the program and clear guidance that accompanies it allows both the instructor/life coach and client to follow with ease. It is hosted on UnitusTI cloud. 

Why use Creative Confidence?


The Creative Confidence program is a series of fun and interactive workshops, using different creative materials to approach topics in a natural and organic way. As the instructor, you will use:

  • Story-telling

  • Role-plays

  • Art

  • Mindfulness

  • Visualisations 

  • Embodiment exercises

Engagement and Enjoyment

This variety of activities allows deeper engagement and more enjoyment for the client. 


The Creative Confidence program is made to be flexible and can be used and adapted according to the instructors’ and clients’ needs. The workshops and workbooks can be completed in any order, on their own and/or one after the other - and are completely adaptable. Additional activities can be added on to suit the client.


The methodology and materials used by the Creative Confidence program is flexible and can be adjusted to the clients’ interests to maintain their engagement and motivation at all times. 


Creative Confidence uses a diagnostic assessment to quickly identify where the client is satisfied and unsatisfied in their life and give them a snapshot of the results in minutes. This gives the instructor and client a clearer view of the clients’ key areas in their life, and their thoughts surrounding them. This assessment can then be used as a stepping stone into the coaching sessions, and direct them accordingly.


A post-program assessment works as a comparison and to see key learnings, changes, improvements, etc of the clients’ progress/self-discovery journey. 


This program is about promoting individuality. It’s subjective and encourages self-exploration, self-awareness and self-discovery - all geared towards creating confidence and independence in teens and young adults.

Unlike other educational materials in the field, the Creative Confidence program has been created specifically for teens and young adults to help them build their self-confidence. Interactivity, colours and visual aids are used throughout the program, combined with simple language, to avoid overwhelm for both the instructor and client/s. 

Creativ Confidence for educators


Give your teens the skills, strategies and tools to lead a confident life.
And be supported 100% of the way

Does this sound like you?

Are you feeling guilty, overwhelmed and worried that your teen is struggling with their studies and not as confident as you know they could be?


Have you done everything in your power to help build their confidence but are now at a loss and feeling helpless?


You may have noticed that your teen doesn’t seem like their old self and has been spending more and more time isolated and quiet. Maybe they are not interacting with others as confidently as you’d hoped for - whether in the classroom or socially.

Imagine This

  • Imagine a life with a happy and confident teen.

  • Imagine a life with less worries and concerns.

  • How much happier would your whole family be?

Happy teens + happy parents = happy family life.

Introducing Creative Confidence: 

A program for teens and parents

A space where your teen will learn how to healthily express themselves, boosting their confidence and improving their chances of success. A place where you feel supported as a parent.  Part of a community where you can learn, share and express your thoughts - leading to a successful and happy family life.

"Creative Confidence is different because not only does it focus on helping your teens thrive, it also offers a supportive community for you as parents to voice your concerns, ask questions, share authentic experiences, gain knowledge and together, work towards a healthier and happier family life."

Jasmine Navarro - Licensed Coach in Dubai
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Are you a parent?
Get your free guide!

11 Essential Secrets
to Create Confident Teens!

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